get the most out of your credit score
The world of credit is scary, but it doesn’t have to be. Get an all-in-one credit report that tells you everything you need to know about your credit score, and banish the fear of finding out in place for good vibes (with Good With).

why is building credit important?

your next step to stressing less

keep things simple with 1 big score
With multiple credit bureaus with their own way of doing things, get 1 score that covers the important bits. Get all the info you need about your credit score in one place, and we’ll help you break it down so you can focus just on the important bits.

it’s your score, own it
Even if you’ve never dealt with credit or loans, you’ve got a credit score on you (don’t take it personally, we all do). Beat the FOFO (fear of finding out) and be the boss of your money, not the other way around. We’ll be right here keep the stress and jargon levels low, and the good vibes high.

because the time is now
Building credit can feel daunting. But the first step is beating the FOFO and seeing where you’re at right now. Your credit score isn’t a permanent number. Taking control of your money now means less stress now and later, guaranteeing you that money-peace-of-mind you deserve.
1. get your credit report
2. decipher it with us
3. feel good with credit
By following the link to Check My File, you'll find a pretty snazzy all-in-one credit report. They offer a free 30-day trial before providing a subscription service (of £14.99 a month), but fear not! As you can cancel at any time. Check My File has been Good With-approved and we think they offer a pretty solid way of viewing a credit report that cuts the jargon and keeps things in one place. But, as with all ways with life, you are free to do as you choose. Follow the good vibes. It's worth noting, however, that we will continually put out resources and content to help you get the most out of your CMF report, so you're not alone in building your credit game.

how to boost your credit score
get the most out of your report
By following this link, you’ll be taken to Check My File, a pretty snazzy all-in-one credit report place. They offer a free 30-day trial before providing a subscription service (of £14.99 a month), but fear not! As you can cancel at any time. Check My File has been Good With-approved and we think they offer a pretty solid way of viewing a credit report that cuts the jargon and keeps things in one place. But, as with all ways with life, you are free to do as you choose. Follow the good vibes. It's worth noting, however, that we will continually put out resources and content to help you get the most out of your CMF report, so you're not alone in building your credit game.
FOFO is real! It’s easy to ignore daunting things, yes. Very true. But checking out your credit report is the first step into being the boss of your money (and not the other way around). You know the saying ‘money can’t buy you happiness?’ and how you roll your eyes at anyone who feels the need to say it? We feel you. Credit isn’t exactly everything, but it does make things a whole lot easier not just for future you, but for right now you. Get your credit report sussed, get the good with stance on it, so you can feel good with money and your credit score.
Each credit bureau uses a different scoring method, which is why Check My File’s all-in-one score is pretty useful. Check My File provides one score based on all 4 credit reference agencies. It can be tricky to decipher what each score really represents, as one bureau’s ‘good’ might be another bureau’s ‘excellent’. Generally speaking (and we mean generallyyyy), above 760 can be seen from pretty decent to upwards of great. CheckMyFile uses a simple system from 0–1,000. The higher the number, the better off you’re seen overall. Their system revolves around the concept of ‘risk of payment difficulties’ (or, risk of defaulting if you want to be technical):
- - Up to 449: 38%
- - 450 - 639: 24%
- - 640 - 719: 15%
- - 720 - 829: 8%
- - 830 - 900: 4%
- - 900 and above: 2%
are estimates of what your score might mean in terms of how likely credit bureaus see you having payment difficulty. the lower your % means the less likely you are to have any difficulties (in their eyes).
Your credit report is unique to you, but you’ll be able to see things such as:
- - Late or unpaid instalments that present an issue for future credit applications, along with defaults.
- - Credit information concerning linked accounts with joint applicants such as housemates or partners, past and present, if you have held a joint account within the last six years.
Essentially, what it means for you is that you can:
- - Understand your financial health and assess your current standing.
- - Build a positive credit history for future financial ventures.
- - Detect errors or signs of identity fraud.
- - Take proactive measures to improve your credit score.
- - Stay informed about your financial situation and ensure accuracy of credit info.
- - Set the stage for responsible money management and a healthier financial future.